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E1 - Drives (exercise 19 in Golf Routines)

Hit 14 drives using different target ranges with a maximum width of 20m. Give yourself grades (1-3) for your shots.

  • 1=On target & good moment of impact
  • 2=On target & poor moment of impact
  • 3=Missed the target range

E2 - Putting (exercise 10 in Golf Routines)

Position four red tees close to each other on the green as well as four white tees at about a meter's distance, facing all directions. From the white tees, try to hit the red tees in the middle. Once you have successfully done this, remove a red tee and repeat the exercise with putts aiming for the three red tees.

E3 - Bunker (exercise 18 in Golf Routines)

Hit ten balls from an even bunker space and try to get as many balls as possible onto the green. Depending on your handicap, you should be able to hit at least seven balls onto the green. More advanced players can create a target radius around the hole.

E4 - Long Irons / Hybrid (exercise 8 in Golf Routines)

Find out with which club you play more precisely and consistently. Hit at least six balls from the fairway onto a predetermined target range. The target range should have a maximum width of 20m. Grade your shots (1-3).

  • 1=On target & good moment of impact
  • 2=On target & poor moment of impact
  • 3=Missed the target range